About spiritual ethics

The character of his followers, worshipers, and admirers best speaks of the authenticity of a spiritual teacher. If you really respect your teacher, doctrine or worldview, which you adopted from him, you will never impose it on anyone.

Tuesday 30 April 2024


Dervishes of Chaos by Metehan Çakın

I sit in an armchair, reading something, and suddenly I feel a strange, cold excitement enveloping my back, climbing up my spine, seizing my neck, shoulders, the back of my head, and then my entire body. Then I suddenly stand up, but it doesn’t feel like “I” stood up; it’s as if my body is a puppet. It’s as if I’m a tenant in my own body while someone else has taken over my movements. I could only watch silently. My body stood up, went to the drawer, and opened it. It took out a notebook and a pencil and wrote some words. While the body was doing this, I managed to collect myself from the shock and mentally asked: what do these words mean? I didn’t get an answer, but images appeared on my “mental screen,” as if they were illustrations for the written words. That’s how I essentially saw the meaning of unknown words to me. Just when I gathered the courage to ask my “guest” who and what it is, my self-control returned. That’s what it’s like when someone is open or ajar to that other world. This is what it’s like to be possessed by occult forces. However, this is a very mild form of possession.

However, my biggest fear is not that the devil will take me away, but that some malevolent force will take over me and commit “katabasis” with my hands, and then leave me to face the terrible consequences. Then that same force could blackmail me: “we’ll get you out of trouble, we’ll undo the consequences, if you agree to something…” How does that scenario sound to you? I’m kidding. The first part of this story is true, but what I mentioned that secretly scares me is not true. To be possessed by spirits, you must first be marked as suitable for that purpose in a way that those spirits perceive. The forces that first approach you and mark you will “ride” you in various possible ways throughout your life. If those forces haven’t made your life a hell in your childhood or youth, there’s no fear they will do so in your middle age or near the end.