About spiritual ethics

The character of his followers, worshipers, and admirers best speaks of the authenticity of a spiritual teacher. If you really respect your teacher, doctrine or worldview, which you adopted from him, you will never impose it on anyone.

Monday 8 April 2024

Arcana IV - Ishtahar / Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana

From the book Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana. 
Design by Dražen Pekušić based on my sketch.
If you want to buy this book (and deck), write to dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

The fourth arcana is named Ishtahar and represents one of the versions of the name of the ancient goddess Ishtar. Its predominant color is blue, with complementary golden details in smaller accents. This arcana comes from Amhazar and has Sumerian origins. Ishtahar is depicted as a modified representation similar to John Dee's monad, but with wings. Above her is a pentagram, and in the background is a night sky filled with stars. Her name consists of seven letters, which points to the nature of the sefirah Netzach. Below the figure of Ishtahar is a magic square featuring variations of her name. She embodies the feminine presence that guides and tempts the initiate. In another sense, Ishtahar is the star of desire and represents everything the initiate strives for. In her, lofty aspirations and base passions mix because she rejects nothing. Hence, be careful what you wish for, as the consequences are not her concern. With the help of her powers, the initiate can rein in their thoughts and passions, but also give them free rein. She helps overcome obstacles that arise from elements, people, beings, entities, and spirits.

In divination, this arcana signifies friendly influences and announces help, support, fortunate circumstances, and the fulfillment of wishes and goals. We could compare her to Fortuna. In a negative sense, she may represent dependency, obsession, or addiction. In the context of magical work, you can summon the spirit of this arcana to perfect your magical practice. This is the developmental goal, and Ishtahar will gladly assist you in this, as well as in removing obstacles and limitations, as I’ve already mentioned. The spirit of this card is female and appears as a captivating, extremely sensual, and beautiful young woman with long, shiny black hair, green eyes, and fair skin, partially covered by a red cloak. Beneath the cloak, aside from gleaming ornaments, she wears no other clothing. Her words are contained within the magic square displayed on the card itself: HARIShTA ARIShTAH RIShTAHA IShTAHAR ShTAHARI TAHARISh AHARIShT.