About spiritual ethics

The character of his followers, worshipers, and admirers best speaks of the authenticity of a spiritual teacher. If you really respect your teacher, doctrine or worldview, which you adopted from him, you will never impose it on anyone.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

New Trends in the Evolution of Tarot

This text is taken from my book Ideology of the Tarot. 
If you want to buy this book, write to dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

Before we delve into the doctrine of the Minor Arcana, I would like to share some observations on the evolution of tarot. There is a clear tendency for tarot to undergo further transformation, less as a tool of occultism and more as an expression of certain exoteric ideological agendas and worldviews. Tarot is increasingly becoming a medium for propagating various ideas aimed at social and psychological transformation and indoctrination. The spirit of the times has gone to great lengths to strip tarot of its veil of mystery and the mute sublimity of its figures, which, like sphinxes, silently point to the great baggage that each card carries. Multiculturalism, feminism, environmentalism, holism, neopaganism, and globalized syncretism are expressions of this era, in comparison to which even the claims of 18th-century French enthusiasts about tarot as a codified source of cryptic wisdom from ancient Egypt, though naive in themselves, are expressions of a more substantive and focused worldview. The occult views on tarot, from the 18th century to Aleister Crowley, seem conservative and dogmatic when compared to the divergence of tarotism from the 1960s onwards, making the Marseille deck appear distant and mystical. The 15th-century decks are now so far removed from the spirit of our time that they can be compared to how Egyptian hieroglyphs appeared to European Egyptophiles before Champollion's discovery. Once, Britain and France, and more recently the USA, have increasingly become the stages for the new development of tarot forms that express current trends. In this sense, the cards are merely carriers of various speculative and ideologized messages.