About spiritual ethics

The character of his followers, worshipers, and admirers best speaks of the authenticity of a spiritual teacher. If you really respect your teacher, doctrine or worldview, which you adopted from him, you will never impose it on anyone.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Tal'Bet Muabet - A very special invocation of primordial magical powers

Sketch of the reception of the adept in the chamber of the serpent god
by Dorijan Nuaj

An introduction to my key magical book which you will soon be able to order directly from me. If you want to buy this book, write to dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

118 pages, A5 format, hardcover, 15 EUR + shipment

About the book

The book you hold in your hands is not one of those that you simply read and put back on the shelf. In this sense, there is hardly anything to read in it. The purpose of this book is entirely different, to serve its user as a magical tool. If you decide to use this book in that way, it means you will often open it, whether to ritually recite certain magical formulas or to consult it for determining specific synchronicities or insights. However, that is not all that makes this book special in some way. There are more important details that you will discover within its pages.

Title of the book: "Tal'Bet Muabet" is generic and refers to the board and speech, or more precisely to the "house of conversation," literally "house of conversation on the hill." This creates a clear image of the sacred. We have a sacred hill and a temple where rituals and invocations are performed. Therefore, it is a book meant to be read aloud and ceremoniously. It consists of four parts: Introduction, Integral Text of the Invocation, Comments on the Invocation, and Dictionary of Formulas and Expressions. The Introduction presents details from the magical biography of the book's author, linked with the origin and purpose of the book. In the chapter Integral Text of the Invocation, the accompanying ritual is described, and the magical text is given in its basic form. The invocation consists of 360 verses, each corresponding to a degree of the zodiac. As such, this text forms a unique and comprehensive magical worldview, which becomes clear in the chapter Comments on the Invocation, where a brief comment is provided for each verse. The last chapter presents the words from which the invocation is composed in alphabetical order, the numerical value of each word, and its approximate meaning. Many of the words come from spirits, from the author's dreams, as well as from certain languages, both living and dead, and from existing magical traditions.

The book has several purposes: to strengthen the person who dedicates themselves to working with it, to enhance the mind and expand the consciousness of that person, to enable that person to touch the magical world in a demanding yet fairly simple way. Finally, to initiate that person into an immanent magical current whose coordinates are: the serpent god, the great goddess, the chthonic aspect of the Sun, tunnels of the underworld, the eschatological Circular Earth, etc. No matter how experienced someone is in the occult world, they are never experienced enough not to be surprised by new forms of old ideas and new insights into things we think we know a lot about. This book provides such insights.


I have always felt a certain discomfort and frustration when faced with someone’s curiosity about my personality, what I do, who I am in general, and where I come from. I have never been like many other people who give clear and unambiguous, sometimes very precise answers to such questions and someone’s curiosity. I have never had such precision in giving answers to these common questions. The only unambiguous and clear things about me are my name and surname, year of birth, and similar, which fall into some sort of general life and destiny meta-data. I have never felt a sense of belonging to any particular group, religion, worldview, ideology, collective, or individual identity. This indeterminacy of mine is reflected in everything I do and engage in.

I would begin this small book with my brief biographical sketches, which can serve as a good introduction to this strange, multifaceted, and controversial book. Let's start with the meta-data. I was born in 1971 in the former Yugoslavia. I have spent my entire life there, gained all my esoteric experience, and shaped my worldview. My zodiac sign is Taurus. I have an academic education and I am formally a professor of sociology. At the age of five, I became aware of my own death and the presence of hidden forces behind the curtain of the visible world. I can say that I woke up at that time. During that period, I had conversations with an entity that appeared to me as a figure in the clouds, which by general standards represents a form of imaginary friend. At the age of seven, I was exposed to parapsychological experiments involving hypnosis and levitation by a man dedicated to the occult, who introduced himself as Doctor Jean. At the age of twelve, I witnessed a solar epiphany and was possessed by a solar entity of an erotic nature. At the age of seventeen, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. At eighteen, I experienced a kind of solar catatonia. At nineteen, I underwent an old magical ritual of "cutting the fear" for the purpose of psychic healing and even exorcism. The ritual was performed by a certain old man from a mountain in Montenegro. After that, I began a spiritual wandering: yoga, Thelema, Sufism, Christianity, etc.

Then, in my twenty-second year, a turning point occurred. Through a strange set of circumstances, I began a three-year magical apprenticeship with an entity who introduced himself as Amhazar. I will not go into details here about what our meetings looked like and how it all came about. I will only say that our communication took place on the physical plane in my waking state and without the influence of any drugs. At the age of twenty-four, I experienced war trauma (let’s remember, there was a war in Yugoslavia at the time), which in a way helped me round out my esoteric worldview. Driven by the energy of trauma, I sketched out the antinominalistic doctrine of the Divine Revolution of Catastrophe and began writing about esoteric topics. At the age of twenty-five, I had a direct vision and conversation with the Great Goddess, and at thirty, I established energetic contact with her. In 2016, I started the blog Bafomitras, where I shaped most of my theoretical and practical esoteric assumptions. In the meantime, I have published a number of books in Serbian language.

All of this indicates that there is a continuity in my life path and maturation and that all my crises, fundamental experiences, and transformations happened long ago in my childhood and youth. In the meantime, as well as back then, I managed to maintain psychological balance and sanity. I would also like to note that I am not a member of any secret society, order, cult, or magical group. Similarly, I have never had the ambition to create any community, magical circle, or order. That simply does not align with the doctrine I adopted from Amhazar and which I highly value. Besides, people are exhausting and create problems. Working with people does not fit into my misanthropic ethics. However, I do feel a certain kind of responsibility towards exceptional individuals who stand somewhere in the darkness, waiting for their chance to shine. This book is one form of my work for humanity, which I view not as a mass, not as a species or community, but more as an environment into which exceptional spirits are cast, whose imagination and will I wish to inspire. That is my Promethean duty.

The invocation before you is simultaneously a kind of encyclopedia of occult forces available to the devotee of the doctrine I called the “Divine Revolution of Catastrophe.” What is this doctrine? The traumatic event I mentioned initiated in my mind a vision of a general flow of world events intertwined with the actions of selected individuals. This vision completely consumed me, shook me, and permanently directed my searches and actions. My mind reacted to this kind of extraordinary experience by reflecting a destructive thought that encompassed the entire universe. Driven by the energy of trauma, I desired the end of humanity, realizing that something was fundamentally wrong with people and that they could never be fixed. Maybe a few individuals could, but not the human race. To strengthen that thought, I tried to find arguments that would support it. Then I organized the arguments into a certain order and thus sketched out the doctrine, which I explained in a separate book. In the meantime, I added initial energy to the doctrine, tearing it from my own being and connecting it with the energy of something I could call immanent destiny forces, as the energy of trauma connected me with them. Thus, an ideology was born that stands behind the special esoteric revolutionary action under the name “Divine Revolution of Catastrophe.” The intention of this revolution is not noble or progressive but corrective. I had a clear vision of the arrival of a corrective force that would destroy humanity, but which would still provide a millimeter of a chance to those who do not hesitate. I called the bearers of this corrective force the revolutionaries of catastrophe. This book is part of a set of occult tools used by those revolutionaries.

It is challenging to explain the origin of this invocation and what it exactly represents. It is the culmination of a process that lasted in my consciousness for years and whose result is a series of seemingly meaningless, mixed, and confused words shaped into some sort of quasi-syntactic form with the pretense of precise and mystical meaning. The words gradually surged into my mind from various sources, whether through books, dreams, or some borderline sense. The purpose of the invocation is the magical empowerment of the person using it and who brings the hidden messages to life with their energy. I could compare Tal'Bet to ancient or grimoire invocations, as well as sequences from the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the famous invocation of Liber Samekh.

The invocation itself has its internal logic, but it is not linear, meaning it does not follow a straightforwardly designed story or scenario and sequence of events. Some verses are connected, and some open a new separate sequence. The words and expressions used in this invocation come from several different sources. Some are of Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Slavic, Ugro-Finnic, Egyptian, and Sanskrit origin. Others come from occult "languages," such as Enochian and Algolian, while some words are generic and phantasmic, and some come from dreams. The origin of each expression is not emphasized, but I note that in the context of this invocation, some words have a completely different meaning from what they mean in a specific language or what could be deduced etymologically.