About spiritual ethics

The character of his followers, worshipers, and admirers best speaks of the authenticity of a spiritual teacher. If you really respect your teacher, doctrine or worldview, which you adopted from him, you will never impose it on anyone.

Friday 5 April 2024

Arcana III - Kristeos / Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana

From the book Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana. 
Design by Dražen Pekušić based on my sketch.
If you want to buy this book (and deck), write to dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

The third arcana, Kristeos, comes from dreams and originates from the European esoteric tradition. The predominant color of this card is dark red. The word "Kristeos" has no direct connection with the same term in the Enochian language, which means "let it be," but on a deeper level, it signifies just that. Like the Lahema arcana, this card is also associated with initiation. Kabbalistically speaking, if Lahema represents initiation into Binah, though it is not entirely accurate to express it this way, I do so for the sake of understanding, then Kristeos relates to initiation into Tipheret. Thus, this arcana can also, in a way, be linked to Tipheret, similar to the Adepti arcana. Kristeos represents the mystery of the red room, whose work involves the letting of blood. Hence, the hood of the initiator is red. The initiator is a person of flesh and blood, a teacher, who introduces the initiate to the mystery, unlike the bloodless adept, whose nature is epiphanic. In front of the initiator is an altar in the shape of a cube, with the number 4 drawn in blood, indicating the presence of Hesed's nature. The consecration is the teacher's grace. Tipheret is unlocked through a blood sacrifice. Above the initiator is a golden triangle with a red cross in the center, which is a modification of the symbolism of Tipheret.

This card enables the introduction to mysteries and the acquisition of knowledge. In the context of divination, it indicates acceptance, entry into a circle, advancement on the ladder, career progression, etc. The spirit of this arcana is also an initiator, but if you decide to summon him, you must offer him a bit of your own blood, which you will press, in a minimal amount, with your thumb on the back of this card. He appears as a tall, slightly hunched but energetic and vital pale-skinned old man with bulging blue eyes and an aquiline nose, dressed in a red suit with black gloves. You will summon him if you need to be accepted somewhere, to enter a society, or to be recognized by someone. Additionally, this spirit holds the keys to many occult knowledge, so it makes sense to call upon him to guide you. If you want to understand letters, signs, and symbols, he is the right one to approach. The words of the spirit of this arcana are... (The words are given in the book).