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Wednesday 28 August 2024

Integral Text of the Invocation from Tal'Bet Muabet

Note: This invocation can only be safely used by devotees of the Divine Catastrophe Revolution, but also those who aspire to be. For everyone else, this text has no value.
You can find more about the Divine Revolution if you click on the label "revolution"

This article is taken from my book Tal'Bet Muabet (Liber orationis magicae). If you want to buy this book, you can order it via this e-mail: dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

In this chapter, the basic text of the invocation is provided in its original form and sequence. The method of invocation is rhythmic; it can be chanted as a song, an incantation, a series of vibrational formulas, whispered, or even hissed, and it can also mimic child-like speech. Therefore, we can say the invocation is arranged in the form of verses. The invocation has two titles: Tal’Bet Muabet“, referring to the invocation as a book, and Avakor te Yurmaas“, which refers to the invocation as an incantation. You can use this invocation in its entirety or partially, and even create separate formulas from its words according to the purposes of your interests or needs.

How to Work with This Invocation? There are intellectual and practical methods. Intellectual means the Kabbalistic study of the meanings of the words and verses of the invocation, studying commentaries, and contemplating observed internal synchronicities. The goal of this work is to increase your knowledge from the more or less hidden information with which the text of the invocation abounds. Practical work involves chanting in one of the mentioned ways.

However, to establish a fundamental connection with the spirits of this book, you need to consecrate it in a certain way. Essentially, this is not strictly necessary, but it is certainly helpful during your magical work with the occult forces represented in book. The method you use to consecrate the book depends on your inspiration and creativity. However, for it to work, you need to drop a little blood from your finger onto the provided symbol (the stylized beetle-like symbol on the cover page of this book), and seal it with your right thumb. This will establish an unbreakable bond between you and the spirits of this book. I repeat, if this seems too radical to you, do not do it, or wait a while, think it over, study the book thoroughly, and then make your decision. However, once you do it, there is no turning back.

The moment you consecrate this book and imprint a bit of your blood on the provided symbol within it, the book ceases to be just an ordinary object. In a way, it then comes to life, obligating you to treat it as a living being. Therefore, you must keep it out of the reach of others. Thus, a printed and bound object intended for reading becomes a magical entity. Always keep this in mind. In this case, even any incidental notes you make in its margins in some way obligate you. Show seriousness and responsibility.

To begin with, the best time to work with the invocation is at night. It is important to perform all preparatory activities for this type of work beforehand. In this regard, I have no standard instructions. Proceed as you see fit. If you have no ideas, you might start by taking a bath, then meditating or performing ritual cleansings. Prepare a quiet and dark room for yourself. Also, prepare a cup or glass with drinking water and a ritual table where you will place the glass, and behind it, in the same line, place a candle with a lighter or matches beside it. The table should face east. Similarly, prepare a circle of consecrated salt facing west. Therefore, you need a sufficient amount of consecrated salt to form a circle of magical protection. Let the circle be large enough for you to sit in it and still have space to place seven candles in a line in front of you (or acquire a candelabrum like a Hebrew menorah), the book of invocation, and a lighter or a box of matches. Test beforehand how much salt you need and the diameter the protective circle should be.

1. When everything is prepared, sit down, light the candle, and say FIAT LUX (let there be light). For a while, keep your gaze focused on the candle flame, encompassing the glass of water with the corner of your eye. Then stand up, raise your right hand high above your head, and imagine you are drawing from a source of light. Let the light in your hand form a blazing pentagram. Then say: APTERNOS (Pater Noster, Our Father). Do this several times until the pentagram clearly ignites in your hand.

2. Maintain the bright pentagram in your imagination and slowly lower your hand towards the glass so that the center of the pentagram aligns with the center of the glass. Slowly rotate your hand around the rim of the glass and say ABERAMENTO (a term denoting God's spirit over the waters, Ruah Elohim). You need to induce a pleasant tingling sensation in the center of your palm with this circling motion and create the impression of the water rotating in the glass, as if you were stirring it with a spoon clockwise. Do this until you achieve a satisfactory synchronization of hand movements, a pleasant sensation in the center of your palm, a mental image of a shining pentagram formed over your palm, a feeling of water movement, and the uniform vocalization of the formula ABERAMENTO.

The next step is to stop everything, place your palm on the glass, and imagine the energy from the shining pentagram pouring into the water. Then, say the name of the Greek goddess of health, HYGIEIA. Repeat this as many times as necessary until you are sure the pentagram's energy has completely transferred into the water.

Take the glass and slowly drink the water. Return the empty glass to the table and place your right palm on your solar plexus. Feel the water spreading throughout your being. Along with this feeling, say the word ANANISEPTA, which signifies healing, cleansing. Remain in this position as long as you feel comfortable. When finished, return the glass to its place and turn it upside down. Let only the candle remain.

Turn towards the west and enter the protective circle. Take a seated position. Light one candle at a time and say AVAKOR TE YURMAAS. When all the candles are lit, take the book of invocation and begin the incantations. Of course, it would be best if you knew all its verses by heart, but until you become a hafiz (a person who knows the entire text by heart) of this invocation, it is advisable to use the text. As long as you do not learn the entire invocation by heart without any mistakes or stammering, you will work in the described manner. Only when you have completely mastered the text can you move on to working in nature, outdoors, without a circle and without the ritual drinking of magnetized water. Then, you will perform the invocation standing, with certain movements as the energy lifts you. You will feel, even during indoor work, that you want to make certain movements. You can gesture and give hand signs, raise and lower your voice, change its color, the manner of pronunciation. Sometimes it will be shouting, sometimes vibrating, then whispering, hissing, or singing.

Of course, you can completely ignore my instructions and do as you see fit. Maybe it will turn out to be better for you, but if you are not sure about it, but absolutely sure, my advice is to follow my instructions. Over time, your self-confidence will grow. The text of the invocation follows...

Avakor te Yurmaas

A ka te o Yurmaas / A ka te Petra Libor / Ai yu Amhazar / Ai yu Bafomitras / Ai yu Magister Shet Silbi / Ai yu Diosfer / Kerner Kerneros / Te ka Karnabos / Te ka Karnaboros / A ka te o Yurmaas / Orfonos Orfonostris / Ura Rao Sole Norte / Oruru Hrot Moire Morte / Tumtul Astovid / Heru Hoa Aha / Iao / Ranust Avanaturigh Ariimariigh Buligard / Agla Arec Oniru Terata / Agsol Raoum / Oresa Amen / A ka te o Yurmaas / Aivaz Eiton / Heka Surilat / Shatiel Urizen / Aglata Tulatlan Elila / A ka te o Yurmaas / Saa Almas / Azatron Abartas / Aumha Hekau / Gramet Sabator

Abraseth Zamran / Arbaton Pateon / Talatutla / Ai yu Hagart / Ai yu Altruseth / Mona Darka Peteor ta Seth / Agarne Hoi Pelai / Amarat Fatas Felat / Atlantuat Kor mi Hoor / Iluena Orosmoor / O Yurmaas Ratsul Kalok Amongar / Aktrazos Kataros / Amagat Hatmon / Ararira Ararita Kor ve Hoor / Shamram Ishtahar
Edonal Ruahai Ash Tai Tarot / Arbaron Raraora / Abadon ta nee / Melai Nahasa Bahaol / Arfeton Teruhay Babaol / Eletaur Saragas / Ozardaz Temelta / Abramoth Moth Tuarvot / Rotasator Oheoi / A ka te o Yurmaas / Agatobo Akondo / Akondo Arec / Armaros Abeleh Hakoi Meleh / Rotasoter Lumagtar / Sargonat Sargosfair Opte Sulet
Asfortos ha Amnona / Zaorzeh te nee / Apifol Aktarah Kataruma Sarumah / Shadarzan Armazas / Amemor Otiketa Bes na Fornos / Adonai a ka te / Andro Niasi Ihyoarsa Mios Yuenda Neo / O  Apternos Vexeras / Arelena Spirato / Oniopo Loxotros / karnabos Quasabe Yurmaas / Harazashtu / Lahema Morath Mor te Vei / Azarze Gaidudur / Anabona Axinopo Almiras / Tlatalatla Buligard / Elilim Atem / Hapsharash / Diosfer Kristeos Nanaeel / Sabadeo Zohadel / Samazis Satiriazis / Amhazar Fulgifeme do ta nee / Alhagil Sumrahtar / Sakondot Skabolas / Titenaka Ilmulita / Ai yu Amagao Groto / Darabesa Albamak / Erigion Alcifon / Matgagal Ogal Tumal Otumal / Kirxena Ilnumara
Ablablata Elkanah Tuat / Alifaros Alifaros Alifaros Omni / Tul-tal-nul Mulkurul / Zedereza Himsera / Hadarmot Kor mi Katarot / Mihlaar Vahlaar Serpofis / Bakurabon Parsemon / Bakuhaba Unmehora Kor mi Hoor / Balbalim / Essalonai / Essalonai Barboros / Rimadey Galdirya Esanulas / Ishtaharatra Vuor ka Maas / Noxamah ka me / Noxamah kar te / Luciftias Karnaboros ka te / Karnabos Karnaboros Karnaxarte / Athashmim Xifonam / Sulatra Shatal / Shantu Shalshuru / Sangariel Akadadon / Paxarabas Homorion / Garonomas Vular-pa-Vul / Ixardabas Akadamon / Oneifeton / Lotiketi Trehrepreh / Rekabustira Fenotron Hoor Miron / karkahita / Bafomitras ai yu / Oziromias tu yu
Amolohoor Avanaturigh / Aberamento Ananisepta Hoor / Tartarmararash Tautorx / Xilonasya Pelai / Abakabaka / Abaka-kabaka Sula-lula Menaka / Agrabamatla Astar / Komselahe ta Mei / Ariimariigh Agasal / Abrahadabra Lilu-lita-lali / Skarabardarot / Kaba-kabaka Baka-kabaka / Elohim Atem o te nee / Ablanatanalba / (Yarmet Eesinagh (Do not pronounce!) / Kitaginagine / Kazaldon Kazbon / Haz Arara Zaaha / A ka te o Yurmaas / Ratsul Kenohok Edget / Pelai Torsorostro / Fa Poo Botafogo / Bon Fa Luciftias / Bon Fa Pa te Vela / Ultinazas / Lal Pa Lil Fo / Lal Lil Pa Fo / Lal Fo Lil Pa / Lil Lal / Fo Po Fo Lil
Fo Lal / Pa Lil Pa Lal /
Azaznahasaf / Zazar / Zorami Zaitux Elastot / Jazam Anahap ne / Ordial Lofono / Satanas Belusade Sabadeo / Amortemor / Aresatan Shabt Sheitan / Timalaix Hirobulkul / Bealmataz Abednego / Netona-Dawaz / A ka te Onunaros / Arrurra Arrurra / Arrurra ta Seth / Aptmelaa / Anak Harsamtau / Nebhunuter / Fetesekri na Hol / Ai yu Amseher / Aarrusfer / Aarruharush / Aarruharaz / Khuti Aarru Talas Fornos / No me Arru Palas Fortas / Noto Apazuzu Menet Manes / No me Felai Apidos
Sa Sa Fernet Melai / Oxodoxo Noxfero / Heru Sah Sekenre Felai / Annu Nai Teserektet / Mendes Anteris / Mendes Apternis / Xorte Nut Avnia Amentetis / Tah ma Tenex Amaldor / Kuakar Ganazas / Kuakar Sah Osoronofris / Metet Telmes Altotaz / Seton Totos Animagis / Ginekonostera Arruerri / Kokine Gine Fatah Tal Tuat / Ain Heru Ra Heka Tei / Ai yu Tehtuan Tehtuoan / Ai yu Skaraboros / Ai yu Mathakor / Aurro Karabo Karaba Kabaras / Ai yu Erpatas / O Sehtetef / Anamun Hela / Anamun Men Sa Fela / Ameno-Ha-Tulat / Nasafertos / Amenofortis / Berotot Tistatoros / Erotopaxer Noxtofagio Esa / Beronotron / Berotronomis
Taxakor Avantis / Avaris Abaris Arrueris ha Seth / Iznuda Kristeos / Bakti-yaar / Hanumena Amemorta / Me ko ha te / Anemura Rura ma no Felat / Gorodastas Sex / Emaporas Fortas / Sefer Narinu Ogmas / Fulgifeme Asferata / Anemokie Basilisk / Obasilo Liskefris / Amemoter Lombardis / Amenoposter Felonomortes / Ihtyago Qavarado Amemortis / Io-Memorti Mnemonti Memonti Xohooros / Kreasso Avakor / Aura Aurta Amnurta Arru Oreas / Oro Aurro Mirro / Miromorto Amiromorto / Notes Pades Uta / Infaroz Beax / Abrahadabra Abrakonosteras / Abrakohadar Abrakadatabra / Abraka Kadabraka / Materx Quarri Abradari Qab / Tritelii Solax Sols Solster Beax / Kastapolas Katastolas / Adepti Aurro Mirro
Kondotieri Apostasio Fane / No Demonas Kahahorta Oro Mai / Apopaster Nomo Osoronofris / Apopaster Nomo Eroi Arru / Ofsofo Osferdix / Adamon Atlas Oriensis / Tronoh Altarx ta Seth / Hefziba Beulah / Zahlafos Paxador / Mariam Hefziba / Nebetenpet Wale / Prastarya Oduduranta / Arorea Adimirones / Gospodux Prastarita Prastyahara / Numinomas Arima Oris / Shah Shahan Shahanah / Shahanux Eriset / Alikamor Raoar / Dezexaar Anazaxaar Ilunaxaar / Ilusia Ilusor Maghtar / Praweda Korozmo / Atulat Venis Galdor / Nexeraxo Korson Hakoi Meleh / Nahur Astardot Asteraton / Nuarsar Fialo Meyho / Urnostur Terrestre Omfalo / Uriaz Teol / Ipsaha Yopsaha / Temaha Goemhihanu / Arimaas Ahrimaas Mahahurmaas
Babarizme Eloan Nuhadr / Samur Matraa Falastra / Ahevizme Atemizme / Akurabizme Nofos Toron / Zenod Atemazmas / Sulgivor Yotar / Kabala Avluva / Kabalat Mate / Yalomed Amemor / Ammaron Grozotot /  Eobelo Ebolelo Eblatas / Zaorzeh Kumir Kadalbor / Raia Komande Testereta / kadarvot te Pahs / Sfaira Masthemat / Rima Ismasi Amamrim / Azartan Bodisator / Noxataraz Noxatanas Atas / Hekau Ganihastor Veidur / Bubaris Adahmeth / Nunamnir Ades Tezepta / A ka te Urumea Suryami / Shahash Ururuk Shahur / Urshahash Shahananahash / Solox Rotaha / Arze Kuwet Sahibyas / Jamayet Zemna / Malei Melai Sabata / Amora Suryamis / Melit Irwaza
Wolatah Etheriaz / Karis Soteria / Hayaska Amenora / Ederasetra Firnanos / Xaradu Hetfesep / Borobodo Hoxo / Akula Munana / Auwa / Asteramela Deamatis / Stelasardis Zaradoxo / A ka te Nuadro Iho / Lombardis Melaha ta / Almaz te Almsa / Aladia Muar / Taurot Yapatma Otumara Lili ka te / Telai Utlai Mero Leyefeh Eyelo / Tulah Nanila Wolapei Iyeube / Obelai Leobah Arela Mela / Luxaar Luciftismaz / Unu Avnia Exebraga / Nie Fanagor / Aurro Moth Gabaras Vit / Khorsa Adorame / Orbesa Sfaira Ata / Komsaleha Kadame / Ta Uta Mona Tuar / Ta Fortas Maesma / Strashtai Medora Exo / Ainu Oro na / Lamia Parsa At
Apida Nunai Melai / Taro Yaunas / Rah Adalvor Astardos / Kastas Khuti Arru / Moroth Iganas Aboronos / Prastaharas Noes Patus / Getes Getonix / Hoori Ahooru / Nutu Anutu Axanutu / Taros Antaros Avantaros / Raos Teratix / Espatas Geon / Aivos Gaidurs / Apides Xandi / Kondotieri Agaris Khuti Parsez / Arii Ranii Bulii Avanii Yurmii / Karaston Akaraston / Enexo Exeraxo / Hartuba Pehat / Naprefasto Urhiel / Bulii Aurro ka te / Aqunar Aderesetret / Axabas Naroxo / Setenehret Dauri / Amnoris Yatax / Adenestro Kavades / Khuti Arru Ozordex / Bulii Afarmabiyel Heka / Aguardas Peretostro Naum / Qabah Sabas
Glasobol – Abaras – Agrenis – Patradar – Sanabal – Lasee – Osoroseptis