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Saturday 24 August 2024

Minor Arcana - Two of Disks

Sola Busca deck

This text is taken from my book Ideology of the Tarot. 
If you want to buy this book, write to dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

The star Sham, in the constellation Sagitta (the Arrow), southwestern height, fiery aspect of Capricorn. Astrological attribution of this card, according to the Golden Dawn, is Jupiter in Capricorn, relating to the first decan of this sign. The Two of Disks is, also according to the Golden Dawn, harmonious change, transformation, travel, or the harmony of change (Lord of Harmonious Change). It can be said that the card represents the engine of the world's machine. The circle that turns now has two heads, forming a binary system, sufficient for the complexity of the overall motion process. The Two of Disks, by analogy, is even more closely connected to the idea of the Wheel of Fortune card. Symbolically, Jupiter in Capricorn represents the Wheel of Fortune and the Devil, the circle and the square, the sphere and the cube: "the harmonious interweaving of the four elements in constant motion" (Crowley).

The Two of Disks expresses the nature of the constellation Sagitta / the Arrow, which stands in relation to Capricorn. It is as if we were to draw a straight line in the clear night sky connecting the brightest star of Capricorn—Algedi—and the brightest star of Sagitta—Sham. In a narrower sense, the Two of Disks could be identified with the star Sham in the sky. According to Picatrix, the first decan of Capricorn instructs us to move forward with joy, depicted by figures of a woman and a man dragging full sacks. In a mythological sense, the constellation Sagitta relates to the arrow with which Hercules struck the Eagle (the constellation Aquila) that was pecking at the liver of the chained Prometheus. If we transfer that meaning to the Two of Disks, we conclude that this card could symbolize the end of suffering or some unfavorable process and represents the tool of action of a liberating force that brings relief—Jupiter rescuing the afflicted from the clutches of Saturn. Therefore, it is about the action of divine justice. Similarly, the arrow indicates the mechanism of time, a sudden and swift strike, penetration, attack, assassination, killing or removal of a tyrant, initiative, liberating judgment, fall of repression, and emancipation, an act of independence, sudden reversal, generally movement, which ultimately aligns with the idea of this card according to the interpretation of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley. I would compare the effect of this card to throwing a stone from the top of a mountain or a snowball that triggers an avalanche. This detail can also be compared to the stone from David's sling that killed the mighty Goliath. In a negative meaning, the Two of Disks can express the idea of the initial motion of a rolling blind force that rushes and destroys everything in its path.

Sagitta and Capricorn indicate the high-altitude, fiery aspect of the earth element, a volcanic mountain, hence the two rotating disks can depict the fundamental drive of Sauron's Orcs' hellish industry. Also, in light of the fact that the arrow is Cupid's weapon, the two large millstones can be considered the initial drive of events that can give rise to great love. Finally, keep in mind the image of the Eagle holding the Arrow in its talons, which represents a symbol of power, again leading us to associations with the powerful Jupiter whose bird is the eagle. In a biblical context, it is the arrow of salvation, or in the sense of God's intervention against enemies, God who delivers from the hands of the enemy, etc. According to Ptolemy, this constellation has the nature of Saturn, and somewhat of Venus: sharp intellect, ability for abstract thinking, but also irritability, jealousy, danger of injury.