About spiritual ethics

The character of his followers, worshipers, and admirers best speaks of the authenticity of a spiritual teacher. If you really respect your teacher, doctrine or worldview, which you adopted from him, you will never impose it on anyone.

Monday 1 April 2024

Arcana I - Lahema / Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana

From the book Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana. 
Design by Dražen Pekušić based on my sketch.
If you want to buy this book (and deck), write to dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

The first in the series of arcana is called Lahema. Its name and vision come from a dream through spirits originating from African tradition. A white triangle, a black cross, and the symbol of Saturn dominate this card. The card is light purple and gray. At the bottom is a figure reminiscent of the motif of the Hanged Man in the classical tarot. Lahema relates to the act of initiation. It represents the transition from the death of the profane world into the life of the initiate. Likewise, it is also a passage from the state of life into the state of death, from mortality into eternal life. The Kabbalistic parallel with this card is the sephira Binah. Unlocking Binah is associated with death. In a broader sense, this arcana can be connected to religion and the phenomenon of complete surrender. Lahema is a leap into death, into transformation, into eternal life, into the abyss, into the divine or the demonic, into something fateful and boundless. It conveys that there is no turning back, as the price of hesitation is death, which entails complete erasure. In a wider sense, the card is connected to priests and prophets, but it also implies the invisible presence of a guardian angel or some other messenger who leads the initiate to a point of no return.

From a strictly divinatory perspective, this card suggests the need to surrender to the guidance of someone who knows what they are doing and who can show you the way out of a particular situation or state. Accept the hand of support. In a magical sense, the spirit of this arcana supports requests aimed at strengthening character, positive transformation, raising awareness, and the development of the one who seeks its help. It will gladly teach, bring knowledge, dreams, and visions. Lahema opens paths and knows the secret words, codes, and methods. The challenge with Lahema is that it may bring you dangerously close to death just to show you something, but it will also pull you back from the edge of the abyss. He may appear as a strikingly dark-skinned man dressed in black or white, with a deep voice and an authoritative presence. He is the spirit of initiation. You can fully trust him, as he will not deceive you. His words are...(The words are given in the book).