About spiritual ethics

The character of his followers, worshipers, and admirers best speaks of the authenticity of a spiritual teacher. If you really respect your teacher, doctrine or worldview, which you adopted from him, you will never impose it on anyone.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

On personal energy and vampirism

During our interactions with many people, some of them, mostly unconsciously, due to various circumstances, often unnoticed, simply "capture" a certain amount of energy that is personally ours. Similarly, we also do this to others, even if we don't notice it. This is not about any "energy vampirism" but a simple fact of life. Recently, I posed a question in a conversation about ways to cleanse ourselves of the influences of others and to regain what we have lost. I believe that it is easier to return something to someone else, but to take back what is ours is more complex.

Some would say that energy circulates, it is renewed, but there are different types of energy. Some of them do not renew, and some tend to inertia. Also, other people's energy can contaminate us in some way, just as our energy can contaminate another person. Reclaiming what has been taken from us can happen spontaneously, but it can also be prompted by intention, or certain methods. One of my friends claims that our stolen energy is already absorbed into another person's aura and cannot be retrieved, and even if it were possible, why would anyone do it? Allegedly, that would mean that we behave vampirically. I completely disagree with my friend on this. It is always necessary to reclaim what is ours, and what is "absorbed" is often found, so to speak, at a shallow level, so it is not difficult to "peel it off" and retrieve it.

In terms of energy, human beings are like suitcases with stickers. Some people are so "covered" in other people's energy and exhausted by their demands that they eventually stop giving signs of life. It is true that our energy is renewed, but over time we become increasingly deficient because if that were not the case, we would be eternal and would not age. My question in this sense was about ways to reclaim personal energy that is captured by others. We must take back our energy because it is still ours. Why do I emphasize this? Because that small amount of energy that has been alienated from us is a kind of conduit that can serve for further drainage towards another person. To make this clear, it is necessary to awaken the perception of observing energy flows.

So all you need to do is 1) become aware of the exact moment when that person took "something" from you; 2) create an energetic outline of that person in your mind where you will find your "property", and 3) using your hands-breath-imagination, pull out your threads from that person and pour them into yourself, and attach back to that person whatever is theirs, if they have it."