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Saturday 15 June 2024

Arcana VII – Zaorzeh Kumir / Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana

From the book Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana. 
Design by Dražen Pekušić based on my sketch.
If you want to buy this book (and deck), write to dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

The seventh arcana, Zaorzeh Kumir, is another fully chthonic one, to the extent that it pierces beyond the universe. Its origin is Amhazar, and it is likely from the Middle East. This card is dominated by dark red and dark tones. Three waning crescent moons of varying brightness in the upper left corner symbolize three sixes, or the sunlight in the underworld, which is also emphasized by the geomantic figure of Cauda Draconis present on the shiny cubical altar in front of a diabolical horned figure, above whose head is an inverted pentagram. The upright pentagram above Ištahar signifies desire or aspiration, while the inverted one on this card indicates necessity. With the upright pentagram, we strive for or move toward something, whereas with the inverted pentagram, we use it to attract something toward us. In this sense, Zaorzeh Kumir represents impersonal blind forces that the initiate calls upon only in cases of extreme need and desperation, using the sword guarded by the adepts. However, such an act comes with a price. True, the blind forces will respond to the one who demands something of them, but they will exact payment in an unexpected way. The price can never be known in advance. Zaorzeh Kumir simply states what the price is, and so it is without any discussion. It is something that cannot be escaped, so one must carefully consider whether his services are truly necessary. This situation can be compared to borrowing from a loan shark or asking a favor from the devil.

In divinatory interpretation, this arcana suggests resorting to extreme measures, but it also indicates the possibility of help from someone whose assistance you would never seek under normal circumstances. I do not recommend magical work with the spirits of this card, except in cases of utmost despair or hopelessness. To activate Zaorzeh Kumir, it is necessary to follow the procedure given at the end of this book, with the addition of using a magical knife whose tip, at a ninety-degree angle, is pointed toward the boat-like symbol depicted on the card, on the ground, while seated in the Turkish pose. The spirits of this card appear as large, heavy objects—enormous cubes, boulders, or stone spheres—so when they move, it seems as if they crush everything beneath them and the ground trembles. The words of this arcana are... (The words are given in the book).