About spiritual ethics

The character of his followers, worshipers, and admirers best speaks of the authenticity of a spiritual teacher. If you really respect your teacher, doctrine or worldview, which you adopted from him, you will never impose it on anyone.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Arcana XIV – Aster Ain Ul Din & Arcana XV – Amhazar / Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana

From the book Bafomitras’ Grimoire of Arcana. 
Design by Dražen Pekušić based on my sketch.
If you want to buy this book (and deck), write to dorijan.nuaj@gmail.com

The fourteenth key of this tarot is named Aster Ain Ul Din. It originates from my experience and, in its abstract expression, signifies those who walk the paths of the Absolute. The abstraction of expression indicates confusion. From our perspective, clarity of the path, unambiguity of teaching, leads to the production of disorder and the creation of a vast shadow. Hence, there are great distortions. In practical divination terms, it refers to confusion, disorder, falling into general confusion, even madness. It also signifies lies, deception and self-deception, the actions of demagogues and manipulators, empty promises, grandiose and hollow words. The spirits of this card do not manifest clearly but are revealed as formless presence. They produce noises, sudden sounds, and move or disturb objects, reminiscent of poltergeist activity. Their purpose is to cause confusion, madness, pride, and jealousy. Use them when you want to mislead someone, create chaos in someone's mind, perception, or in the relationships between people. They assist in carrying out plots, lies, and manipulations. Their words are... (The words are given in the book).

The fifteenth arcana refers to the teacher. It originates from experience, but its essential roots are from Middle East. The card features shades ranging from white, through gray, to black, while Amhazar himself is depicted in yellow. The letter K in the lower right corner indicates the fact of his existence. The teacher is always a concrete person, or the principle of the teacher at a given moment or period acts through a specific individual, but the teacher himself is not a person. He can act through multiple people, meaning that multiple teachers can be embodied through one person and vice versa. Amhazar embodies the initiatory tradition, represented by his staff which creates the circumstances of the initiation trial for his student, and the symbol around his neck, indicating the initiatory continuity and his authority.

In divination, this means you must act in accordance with existing methods, take responsibility for others, or accept someone else's authority that is based on long-term experience. Practically, the spirit of this arcana is inclined to give advice and teach in the fields of magic and mysticism. He knows magical techniques, procedures, rituals, and methods for inducing changes through magical means. He also teaches techniques of ecstasy. He appears as an old man with a hood, sometimes majestic, and at other times looking disheveled like a beggar. His words are... (The words are given in the book).